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RevJet's New FlightDeck 2.0 UI Provides Unparalleled Visibility into Marketing Creative Performance

, , , , , , , | June 19, 2018 | By

SAN CARLOS, Calif., June 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- RevJet, the first smart marketing creative platform, today announced the latest addition to its AppXChange ecosystem: FlightDeck 2.0. With RevJet, marketers can unify all of their creative use-cases into one comprehensive, apps-based platform, now with a holistic view of real-time creative performance with FlightDeck 2.0.

"It's tough to be a marketer today, because now you're expected to craft and deliver engaging marketing experiences to all your target audiences across all your marketing touch-points in a scaled up way," said Mitchell Weisman, RevJet founder and CEO. "On RevJet that's now possible, and our new FlightDeck application provides insights into creative resonance that – quite frankly, didn't exist before."

Like all RevJet's apps, FlightDeck 2.0 can be easily added to the platform through a single click, at no additional cost. Once downloaded, users gain control over marketing data insights and analytics, with visibility across variables including audience, browser, operating system, country and more. Meanwhile, a new Analytics feature displays key performance metrics, providing a snapshot on multiple flights.

FlightDeck 2.0 accomplishes RevJet's goal of placing the most actionable information front and center for the user with the new Experiment Insights and Performance Graphs. The highly-visual dashboard-style format highlights essential real-time data through Optimization Groups, Flights and Experiments, and even includes instant snapshots to display feedback on how well certain creatives achieve creative "lift off".

In addition to FlightDeck 2.0, RevJet's AppXchange also offers dozens of other apps for marketing and creative, including:

  • Native components for building video, social and display creatives
  • Personalization, Programmatic Creative, and DCO
  • High-velocity Creative Optimization
  • Digital asset management, creative workflow and approval processes
  • Data visualization and permanent memory
  • Ad-serving and world-class reporting

RevJet users and partners also enjoy a full suite of APIs, which make it easy to build and customize apps, while cutting the time and complexity of code development in half.

Read the whole article on PR Newswire.

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